Tuesday 16 January 2018
Love Knits Us Up Where We Belong
Now the cat is out of the bag, I can share in full the story of The Blanket of Dreams. During a Skype chat in November, Vicky mentioned that her knees were getting cold when out in her wheelchair and she really needed a blanket. I immediately knew that this blanket must be hand-knitted with love, as there is no doubt in my mind that love is the greatest healer of all. Alas, I don’t knit (yet), but I thought I might know some people who do… So I put out a call, in my yoga classes here in France, and on Facebook, to ask if anyone would like to knit/crochet/patchwork a 20x20cm square that I would try to turn into a blanket for Vicky.
120 squares from France and the UK later, this is the story of The Blanket and Cushion of Dreams…

The collection grows…
Vicky says: “Family and friends of Kate (and me!), thank you. I was speechless when I unfolded the blanket, and still can’t quite get my mind around the fact that so many people, a vast number of whom have never even met me, would take the time to create a woollen square for me when they could have been doing something else. I am humbled by the kindness in your hearts, I really am, and I will remember it all my life, whenever I come across someone in trouble.
“You did this for me, and I don’t know why, but I am warmed to my bones. This blanket will become a family heirloom, and I hope to have many hours ahead in which to study each square, committing them all to memory.
“Even now, after several days, I am surprised by a square I have never noticed before when I look down. There are hearts, tassels, cloud-like softness, big sturdy stitches and tiny fairy stitches, stripes, dots, fluffiness and smoothness. It is beyond anything I could have dreamed of, and yet it is my Blanket of Dreams.”
And it didn’t stop there. Eighteen non-knitted squares were turned into a huge cushion of loveliness, centred around a square with a special pocket for some of Vicky’s horse’s hair.
And still it wasn’t over. A friend of mine here in France, Jeanette Armstrong, paints the most amazing animal portraits. So, with my mum and brother, I commissioned a picture of Vicky’s beloved horse, Nick.
Thank you, everyone, for your love and support, knitted and otherwise.
Filed under: Happy Coulson
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