Monday 2 September 2013
Well, we have survived our first full summer in France. Eight weeks of no school and our busiest time yet – surely a recipe for disaster? Actually no. All ready for La Rentrée tomorrow and feeling fantastic.
Happy Coulson has seen a total of 92 pilgrims, 20 campers, a handful of B&B guests and 5 French students, each staying for a week. Siblings and cousins reunited, birthdays and anniversaries, old friendships rekindled, new friendships explored, and fêtes, fêtes and more fêtes.
This summer at Happy Coulson has been all about people. Different nationalities, life experience and personalities, all thrown into one big melting pot. Give it a stir, savour the aroma and enjoy the feast!
We should be exhausted, and certainly we know we’ve been busy. But when your job is helping people on holiday have an even better time, and when most of those people are, or become, your friends…
Let’s just say, there are worse ways to earn a living.
Filed under: Happy Coulson
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